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Frequently Asked Questions about Telemedicine

Peter Killcommons
As CEO of San Francisco-based Medweb, Dr. Peter (Pete) Killcommons leads his company in delivering telemedicine and teleradiology technology to locations around the world. Dr. Peter Killcommons has shared his knowledge in telemedicine as a keynote presenter at the First Armenian International Telemedcine Congress in 2011.
The answers to the following questions may help those unfamiliar with the concept of telemedicine gain greater insight into the service and the benefits that it provides.
Q: What is telemedicine?
A: Telemedicine is a form of medical care that involves the use of electronic communication methods, such as two-way video, wireless tools, and email, to help provide health care services to patients.
Q: Whom does telemedicine benefit?
A: Telemedicine benefits a wide range of groups, including smaller, rural hospitals that may lack the resources frequently found in larger, urban facilities. Through telemedicine, patients in less populated locations can receive a higher caliber of treatment without incurring costly travel expenses that many cannot afford.
Q: What kind of health services can telemedicine provide?
A: Through telemedicine, doctors can administer wide-ranging services, including diagnosing health conditions, conducting postoperative check-ins, and prescribing medications.